Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Revolution In The Streets...

Living in North Africa these past months has seen much upheaval of governments that once were thought to be unchangeable, yet when they fail their people then time for a changes goes from a whisper to a roar, as poverty, unemployment and a class system that keeps the masses in a downward spiral must be tossed aside and new ideas and leadership given the chance to make the citzens of these lands a better existence and hope for a better life for their children . I will not speak about the current conditions in Morocco as I am a guest in this country and representive of the US government... but I watch with interest the reactions of Moroccans to what has and is unfolding in countries all over North Africa and the Middle East. They watch the current event as if it was football game... engrossed and rooting for their team to bring home victory.

As an foreigner and American living next door to many of these events I keep my ears and eyes open to the daily news and talk to my local friends about the chance such things could happen here. I have packed a small bag and have started to read and take more seriously the protocol and plans if an evacution of my site becomes a reality versus a far-fetched idea. I feel very safe, but I have noticed an occasional look on the streets that I did not notice before... changes are good but at the same time if these events happened 22 months from now I would not mind one bit... the closer these events get to my host country, the more likely I will have to leave for obvious reasons.

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