Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Everyday People...

More sketches of the people of Sefrou... I live in the BenSaffar section of Sefrou, it is more or less the center of the city and either from my home, the cafes on the street I sketch the people as they move about their daily lives. As the heat of the summer climbs the people are slowing down and I am doing my best to capture snippet of time, the first is the l'bid rajl (egg man)... he comes out every night and sells his eggs until almost midnight... the other is a woman waiting for a petite taxi in the early morning... the days heat is already in the low 90's at 8:00AM and dressed in typical dress I wonder how she is able to stand the heat covered in heavy clothes from head to toe... yet it appears she is fine.
Maybe being born into this climate the body has adjusted over time to the oppressive heat and humidity... I for one coming from New England melt away each minute of the day, wearing shorts, sandles and light shirts I still feel as if I live in an oven and slowly I am cooking.

What I would not give to be near the ocean or have a sniff of a breeze come in from the mountains, I am told Sefrou is not that hot and should be happy i am not further south where the temps average in the low 100's... it is the humidity that is pulling the energy out of everyone.

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