Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sketching My Life Away or Life in the Slow Lane.

Since I arrived in Morocco I have been filling a sketch book with images of daily life and people. I am also never without it and as I sit waiting of a taxi, having coffee or whenever I am out and about I jotted down Isee infront of me.. mostly it is people and for the main part men... the reason I give for that is that the women never stop here... always in motion... the men on the other hand are stationary... they sit for hours... they greet each other in a five minute waltz of greetings, kissing, handshakes and in general touching. So if you were to flip through the pages of one of these books you would see very little women... BUT now has become one of my missions to document as many females I can and try not to cross that line in this or any society of being a creep...haha. I have complied a few of my sketches from different pages that show some of the women I have sketched. Sefrou is a rather "liberal" town in the dress of the women or I should the young women...but I have set my sights on the more traditional garb...

Mura-Mura I will post more images of the Moroccan people I encounter during my time here...inshallah.

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