Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where There Is NO Doctor...

First let me start by saying I am fine, well as healthy as I can be at this stage of my Peace Corps service... the title of this entery come from a handbook that all PCVs have in their bookcase, it is one MFing scary read. Here is why I opened mine... It is hot here in Sefrou and the humdity is coming with it, over the past dozen years whenever the "dog days of August" hit Boston I would get a small case of heat rash... as of today it is June 2nd and yesterday I got my first sign of it and I am thinking long hot summer....S$%#!!!
So sitting in my salon trying not to itch or sweat (impossible) I see the title of this book and think....hmmmm maybe there something in there, what a mistake. Opening the book the first thing I see is on circumsion!!! so curious I look and see the diagram that talks about pulling the forskin upward and before cutting it reads (Be Sure NOT to cut the head of the penis off) WTF... no kidding... so after the phanthom pain subsides in my lower regions I am foolish enough to turn a few more pages looking for rash remedies... OMG I some of the "home" remedies are unbelievable such as tying a scorpion to your finger for a scorpion sting...hmmm doesn't sound like a good idea or putting feces around your eye to cure blurred vision... yeah not a way to make new friends... "Hi Jim is that cow feces on your face...". After a few minutes of the scariest diagrams and text outside of a Stephen King novel, I closed the book and put it back where it will stay for the next year collecting dust.... thanks peace corps.

As I mentioned the Heat is On and will stay in once the afternoon rolls.

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