Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Outside Cafe and Football

Last night was the Barcelona vs Manchester United and Sefrou is a Barca town and l'qhwas were overflowing with "football" fans. Right below my place there are a couple of zwin l'qhwas that are equiped with flat screen tvs both inside and out and during a soccer match (sorry there is in my mind only one football and we use our hands). people are lining the streets to watch. In the states this would never work as nobody is spending money, a few may buy a 4dh coffee and stay for hours upon hours, back home there would be a cover charge, the business would have security to keep people from getting a free view of the game and the booze would be flowing... hmmm I think I miss capitalism...haha

Last night the town was a buzz with the up coming match so as the sun was setting I perched myself in my window and with paint and brush tried to capture a moment during the game. It was dark in my room and I was working fast and people were moving about... I was not sure how it looked until this morning and I think I was successful in grabbing a moment.

Barca won and Sefrou was celebrating until late last night... sometimes Sefrou feels like a European town... well maybe that is pushing it a little. Today is Sunday and I plan on very little PC work today, just going to chill and paint and yes food shop... inshallah


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