Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Time Old Time...

Ok here is my story... As of this past Saturday Morocco changed it time by springing ahead one hour. As full disclosure I hated that we jumped an hour, once I again I am five hours ahead of my beloved family and let me take it one step further, my dearest friend and the person I love the most in this world (outside of family) is even harder to connect with and this causes me to be less than happy most days... so tonight I am hanging with my friend Ali and we are talking about getting together in the morning and we agree to 10:30... not a problem right? Well as I am about to take my leave for the night I remind him of our getting together and he says and I quote "new time or old time" ?????? I say 10:30....10:30 and he wants to know if i am on new time or old time and I say i am on the time I was told the country was on and says no, only the government changes time.... we spend the next 10 minutes with me laughing so hard I was crying...that I don't understand... how can there be two times...are you kidding me or what. So it appears that the people are still living one hour behind and only the government and 260 peace corps volunteers have changed time. How can this be is it pure insanity or pure genius?? I for one want to live in old time as it makes me a little closer to the people I love...so I am changing my clock back one hour. Inshallah... Moroccan time is usually an hour late for everything anyways, so I can beat them at their own game, if I make all my arrangements on new time but show up at old time... maybe I have figured this all out.

1 comment:

  1. They're just telling time by looking at the position of the sun like Krammer does.
