Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Through The Looking Glass...

Self-portrait... Needing a break from thinking about what to paint next I pulled out a used 9 x 11 canvas board and did this self-portrait, using my fingers I applied the paint to build the structure of my face and capturing the light coming in the room from the right. In less than 2 hours I had this study in black/white, while using a little dioxazine purple and cobalt blue in the background... I think I am done with this as it was just a study, but if I think I want to refine it a "swiya" more than I will go into it in next day or so.
Working directly into the space without any prep drawings to work from is what thrills me the most... I can not control my passion enough to render a tight drawing and then transfer that to the canvas and move from there... There are time I do exactly that but during that process as I am getting ready to approach the canvas I am on edge... eager to move into the paint, applying, removing and pushing it around the rectangle in order to create order... from nothing.

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