Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lord of the Flies

Summer is still dragging in the Fes/Sefrou area and I can't remember the last time it rained here. The net result of heat and lack of rain bring about... FLIES Bzzzf! Over the course of thelast week the flies are as thick as I remember them when I arrived last September, these are not the fast moving flies that land on food that we have back home. They are smallish, slow and like to land on people... they will bite, but maimly they just f%$# landing on me. Whereever there is exposed skin these bugger go and if you shoo them away... all that happens is the fly to a new spot. IT IS PISSING ME OFF! Most of my Moroccan friends are not bothered and in fact never try to kill them. At first I would kill them but now it is just too much work... just try to keep them out of my face and the rest of me i just shoo when too many are on me because it is a no win battle. I pray for rain and that the heat of summer drops into the cool air of fall soon... inshallah.
Transportation is Hard: In general moving around Morocco is a slow and unpleasant ordeal, but over the last few weeks it has become a nightmare, nothing is running and when it does run it is packed and takes forever and the mad dash to get in any vehicle is both entertain and hard work. Last week the buses were not running so one day I took a grand taxi from Khenifra to Azrou then Azrou to Midelt (roughly 300km)... both legs were close to two hours each. The first leg started out with the driver and a passenger engaged in a yelling match about money, the fact the driver got out of the taxi leaving it running in the middle of the street to go shopping. This went on for 15 minutes with the driver looking back at the passenger while driving at speeds that put your heart in your mouth. We drove the mountain road between Khenifra and Midelt passing trucks and busees on blind curves, flying through small dewars honking the honk and driving on the wrong side of the road. At times I thought the door i was pushed up against might fly open and throw me down the edge of the cliff. Of course I must say grand taxis are my favor mode of travel because your life is in your hands everytime.
Leaving Midelt a few days later again no buses so I took a taxi back to Azrou, then Azrou to Imouzzer and finally Imouzzer to Sefrou. Theride from Midelt to Azrou I got stuck in the middle of the back seat between... lets just say the air was rather pungent and for some reason one of the men in the front see complain tha he was "chilly" and asked the window to be shut... LA 3arfk, sHuna bzzf (no please, it is very hot) I said and the driver compromised and rolled it up half way. We arrived in Azrou to the same mess as Midelt no buses and few taxis... i watched in amazement as people fought for seats in taxis... I waited talked to to kurti (dispacher) and got him to get me on one without having to push anyone out of the way a la George in Steinfeld. So I got home exhausted and never wanted to travel again.
Been home for a week hot as hell, bored silly and looking to get back to work.
Next up Fes...

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