Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dar dyali u bab

Hi- For those who have wondered (or not) what the outside of my place looks like (posted interior shots back in Feb) here is a view my home from across the street. I live about the hnut and snack shop the two big windows you see are mine, the left is into my salon and the right is my bedroom. I have access to the roof (shared) still it is private and some nights I find myself sitting

there gazing at the stars and the moon dreaming of my loved ones back in Boston who are seeing the same sky and I feel a swiya connection. The white vehicle park outside is the often mentioned "Grand" taxi... most are white,vintage late 70's early 80's, 4-speed and held to together with whatever is needed... this one looks in pretty good shape.

Next is my door (bab)... or the hobbit hole as I call it, duck your head as you step down into my hallway to the flight of stairs to my place. This is sort of typical for doors in

this area... maybe a bit more "rustic" then some. Lets see I

think I have only wacked my head on it the first week. Finally there is my front door into my humble home... it is made of iron and again is a typical entery into a home. I like my home every much, there are times when the noise is too much, mainly the loud music that was played during the political "debates' that was propaganda and bone-rattling loud... but now that is less and less, there is still the five calls to prayer and my mosque is in the top 10 for loudest is Morocco, but for the most part it has faded into the background, except when I am skyping and then it is the brunt of a few "WTF" and such. I have a good landlord and the people areound me know I am living here versus my first few weeks when I would get the look of "your still here?... are you crazy, you left America and all we want is to go to America... idiot!" haha. The hnut guys now helps me to pronounce my "r" and the Driss the young man who runs the snack shop is great... only I think everyday he adds another few god pharse to our gretting just to see my reaction as I try in vain to keep up and end up smiling and say "tbark allah".

I have finished my first year in the Peace Corps, had a little celebration with a few PCVs... there have been many more good days/times than bad and inshallah I will complete my service here in November 2012... but if for whatever reason that does not come to pass and I "DOA, DOR, ET or get AdSep"... 3ad humdulilah.


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