Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Five Years... and Ramadan

Well I am back in Morocco after 20 wonderful and fun days back in Massachusetts... cant believe how much I missed the New England area, I feel blessed to have been born and raised in that part of America. Actually I would like to thank my forebearers for having the "balls" to come to America and because of their actions I have reaped the benefits of living in the United States and the honor to say I am an American... I never took her for granted but living outside of her shores I find I have a renewed love and faith in my country. Granted I have been out of the loop of all the political BS that still runs deep through our system, but I have faith that no matter what the spirit of what was conceived almost three centuries ago will win the day in the end.

Ramadan... arrived back in Sefrou on Thursday night at dusk to completely empty streets, it was so quiet that I was a little unnerved as I made the trek to my front door... i could see a few men step out into the hot and heacy air to take the first drag off the gato (cigarette). As I open my door to a blast of steal hot air I opened the windows and waited for life to fill the streets... around 9 people started to come out and shops reopened and the night was day. SO I gathered my lflus and headed out to get my food. I have decided like most PCVs to try to fast during ramadan, now I missed the first two weeks but for the remaining two weeks I will sleep from 4AM until 1PM get up and wait for the sun to set so I can eat and drink only time will tell if i can do this for more than a few days.

FIVE Years: Today marks the fifth anniversary of Carolyn's death from cancer or as my son Stephen and I like to say from the drug avastin that was giving to her that took her before we could even say good bye. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her, yet I know that she had a wonderful life, we raised two great children into fine young men and that our love was true and pure... and for some strange reason she was only given 47 years on this earth. Like most we dreamed of old age together, that was not to be... but we were given 30 years of happiness together... wanted another 30 but feel blessed to have what we had. Miss you!!!!

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