Well not really "the far side of the world" but from my perch in America it seem that way. I created this blog, as a place to share my stories, observations and creative impulses that crop up in my day-to-day life during my Peace Corps service.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Looking back in...

Once again time has slipped by between this and my last entery... I know many of you have been concerned and worried about my well-being and the fact i stopped writing here did not lessen those concerns. Much has happened since I last typed into this screen... the bombing in Marrakech, NATO bombing Liyba, Bin Laden killed and Morocco status as unsafe to travel to within the Peace Corps family to name just a few. Within the Peace Corps itself there has been story after story about the lack of security for the women who service this organization and the distasteful way the Peace Corps has handled the aftermath of these tragic and life-changing events. There is also the news that my program within Morocco is being terminated and this has left me with a bad taste in my mouth, BUT also the freedom to pursue the work I think is the most useful of my time and skills. Some of you may know that since I have joined the Peace Corps I have found it to be a less than stella organization, that like a typical government agency promotes based less on character and merit but on years and titles. If it was not for the many great people I have met both volunteeres and host nationals I may have become completely disillusioned and returned home.

I have tried to keep up-to-date on all the news swirling around the Peace Corps and for all I have read the article in the Boston Globe back about 10 dyas ago comes the closest to my feelings and those of the PCVs I have spoken with but our mission and the PC in general. I think the PC is missing a great opportunity and a huge cache of older talented "baby boomers' who could grow the Peace Corps into an organiztion that would make the world a better place versus turning the clock back to "teaching english" as the core of the programs.

Still I know I am doing good work here and I am positive in what myself and fellow PCVs can do if left alone by Peace Corps. I am closing in on 10 months in country and can not believe that time is moving so quickly... Hopefully we will leave a small positive mark... inshallah.

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